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ARCHIVES : 309 forms

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VESUVE (beta) - Velcade: study of real-life use

Head : Fourrier-Reglat Annie, Service de Pharmacologie, CIC-P 0005-INSERM U657- Université Bordeaux Segalen
Moore Nicholas, Service de Pharmacologie, CIC-P 0005-INSERM U657- Université Bordeaux Segalen

Version 3


Last update : 09/05/2017


VESUVE (beta) - Velcade: study of real-life use

Head : Fourrier-Reglat Annie, Service de Pharmacologie, CIC-P 0005-INSERM U657- Université Bordeaux Segalen
Moore Nicholas, Service de Pharmacologie, CIC-P 0005-INSERM U657- Université Bordeaux Segalen

Main objective

The objectives are to evaluate the response and survival of patients treated by Velcade®, to describe the population of patients initiating treatment with Velcade® (socio-demographic data, previous treatments, indication), and describe the conditions of use Velcade® (dose, number and frequency of treatment cycles)

Inclusion criteria

Patients initiating Bortezomib treatment between 1 May 2004 and April 30 2006 (whether or not treatment is continued); Patient unexposed to bortezomib, including during a clinical trial or temporary use authorization; Patient followed by a hospital physician having agreed to participate in the study; Patient not participating in a clinical trial; Patient not objecting to data collection

KABP - Knowledge, Attitudes, Practices and Beliefs Related to HIV in Île de France

Head : Warszawski Josiane, Équipe: Épidémiologie de VIH et des IST
Beltzer Nathalie

Version 2


Last update : 01/01/2020


KABP - Knowledge, Attitudes, Practices and Beliefs Related to HIV in Île de France

Head : Warszawski Josiane, Équipe: Épidémiologie de VIH et des IST
Beltzer Nathalie

Main objective

To follow the evolution of knowledge concerning HIV and AIDS and antiretroviral treatment, attitudes and opinions with regard to infected persons, the perception of being contaminated by the virus, screening tests and condom use.

Inclusion criteria

- Men or women - aged 18 to 69 years old

ORBIT - Comorbidities associated with peripheral neuropathic pain (PNP)

Head : Millet Véronique, Pfizer

Version 1


Last update : 01/01/2018


ORBIT - Comorbidities associated with peripheral neuropathic pain (PNP)

Head : Millet Véronique, Pfizer

Main objective

- Evaluate the frequency of anxiety and mood disturbances and the degree of sleeping disorders in patients monitored for PNP
- Describe the links between the components of the PNP and the existence of anxiety, mood disturbances and the degree of sleeping disorders,
- Describe the relations between the components of PNP, anxiety, sleeping disorders, mood disturbances on the one hand and the quality of life on the other hand,
- Describe the relation between the components of the PNP, the existence of anxiety and mood disturbances, the degree of sleep disorders on the one hand and the current drug care of patients on the other hand.

Inclusion criteria

Patients > 18 years,
- Peripheral neuropathic pain (in relation with a lesion of the peripheral nervous system).
- Intensity of the pain > 3 on the NVS,
- Radiculalgia without lumbar pain or with lumbar pain of which the intensity of the pain is < 3 on the NVS (intensity of the lumbar pain from 0 to 2),
- Through general neurology: patient consulting for his PNP or for the etiology of this PNP,
- Through home consultation: patient consulting for a PNP for the 1st or 2nd consultation.

PRISM - Multidisciplinary care of the metabolic syndrome during spa therapy

Head : Moore Nicholas, Service de Pharmacologie, CIC-P 0005-INSERM U657- Université Bordeaux Segalen

Version 2


Last update : 09/05/2017


PRISM - Multidisciplinary care of the metabolic syndrome during spa therapy

Head : Moore Nicholas, Service de Pharmacologie, CIC-P 0005-INSERM U657- Université Bordeaux Segalen

Main objective

The main objective of this study was to determine the maximal effect of multidisciplinary management initiated during spa therapy on metabolic syndrome at one year.

Inclusion criteria

Patient presenting a metabolic syndrome according to the criteria of the NCEP-ATP III (at least three of the following criteria: waist circumference > 102 cm for men and 88 cm for women, triglycerides ≥ 1.5 g/l, HDL-Cholestérol < 0.4 g/l for men and 0.5 g/l for women, fasting glycaemia ≥ 1.10 g/l, blood pressure ≥ 130/85 mmHg 130/85); greater than 18 years old; patient having a BMI < 40; patient having a fasting glycaemia < 1.26 g/l; patient who can be followed during the study period; patient able to understand the protocol and complete the questionnaire; patient initiating spa therapy for "metabolic disease" (alone or with a second indication); patient accepting to participate in the study.

EXPRESA - EXacerbation PREdictive factors in Severe Asthma - Cohort on Predictive Exacerbation Factors in Severe Asthmatics

Head : Magnan Antoine, UMR 915: l'Institut du thorax

Version 1


Last update : 01/01/2020


EXPRESA - EXacerbation PREdictive factors in Severe Asthma - Cohort on Predictive Exacerbation Factors in Severe Asthmatics

Head : Magnan Antoine, UMR 915: l'Institut du thorax

Main objective

To validate exacerbation prediction in certain lymphocyte populations by comparing markers already identified (NO, EEI), based on factors that do or do not cause infection.

Inclusion criteria

- Male and female;
- Adult;
- Severe asthmatic.

Entred 2007-2010 - National Representative Sample of people with diabetes 2007-2010

Head : Fosse-Edorh Sandrine

Version 1


Last update : 07/01/2019


Entred 2007-2010 - National Representative Sample of people with diabetes 2007-2010

Head : Fosse-Edorh Sandrine

Main objective

To describe the characteristics of people pharmacologically treated for diabetes, their health with regards to diabetes, the quality of care received, treatment plan and self-management education; their quality of life, experiences and requirements in terms of education and information, as well as the cost of diabetes.

Inclusion criteria

Beneficiaries of the French general scheme of health insurance (CNAMTS) (excluding local mutualist sections) and the Independent Scheme for employees (RSI); residing in mainland France or overseas départements (DOM); and who have received at least three reimbursements for oral antidiabetic medications and/or insulin over the last twelve months.

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